Whilst you should have a copy of your budget which sets out the income and expenditure over a period of time, you will also need to know your services remain within the funding available from one month to the next.
Your provider is required to give you a Home Care Package Statement on a monthly basis. It is important for you to review this and ensure it is accurate.
What should the statement show?
The statements show:
A person’s monthly statement must include the following:
The monthly statement also needs to include:
How do I make sense of my statement?
Your provider should work with you to help you understand your statement. Whilst the information that needs to be given is the same for every provider, statements often look different from one to the other depending upon the technology they use and the systems in place to generate these documents.
What if there are discrepancies or errors?
There are occasions where an error may be made on a statement, or you may need to query an entry on your statement. Talk with your provider about these. It is important to raise these as soon as you can to ensure, if a correction is required, it is completed in time for the next statement to be issued to you.
Is there an example I can look at?
The Department of Health and Aged Care have a template document to assist, which you can find below. This can be downloaded and you may wish to use this to compare with how your prospective or current provider publishes theirs.
Service Locations:
Queensland - SUNSHINE COAST; Brisbane North (including Caboolture); Brisbane South (including Redlands); Logan (including Scenic Rim); Ipswich / West Moreton; Darling Downs; Gold Coast
New South Wales - Northern New South Wales; Central Coast (Woy Woy; Gosford); Hunter; New England
Victoria - Eastern Metro; Southern Metro; Western Metro
South Australia - North West Metro; South East Metro
Tasmania - Burnie; Davenport; Latrobe; Kentish
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