My Aged Care is the single entry point for aged care services funding by the Australian Commonwealth government. My Aged Care's aim is to make it easier for older people, their families, and carers to find information on ageing and aged care in Australia.
My Aged Care provides online information and trained call centre staff to help you get an older person's needs assessed and to find and access services.
Visit My Aged Care's website for further information and resources.
To apply for a Home Care Package you can call My Aged Care or apply online. You will be asked a range of questions to determine that a Home Care Package is appropriate for meeting your needs. Make sure you have your Medicare card handy. If you’re calling on behalf of someone, they will need to be with you to give their verbal consent before you can speak on their behalf. Once the application is submitted, you will be assessed in person to determine the care you require. This assessment is called a Comprehensive Assessment, which is completed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).
After your application is submitted, an ACAT Assessor will visit you in your home and ask a range of questions covering your health, current situation and limitations to help them understand your need for coordinated services. This is called a Comprehensive Assessment. To prepare for this, you may wish to note a list of the things that you struggle with on a day to day basis. It is important o be honest with yourself and the Assessor so they can fully understand your needs. If you get help from others, such as a family member, friend or neighbour, make note of this also. For example, does someone take you shopping or to medical appointments? these are services that can be funded so it is important to look at the 'whole picture'.
After completion of the comprehensive assessment, if you are approved your level of funding for your package will be determined. Home Care Packages have four levels (1 - 4), and are allocated based on a national priority system. You’ll be notified of your funding level via a letter in the mail and the expected wait time. Funding can take 3-6 months to be assigned, and you may receive referral codes for lower level support you may be able to access as an interim measure.
If you are approved for a Home Care Package, you will receive written notification of the assignment and level. You may have chosen to accept a lower level Home Care Package as an interim measure whilst awaiting assignment of the approved level. If this is the case, it is important to get started at the level you are assigned, rather than wait. There can be extended wait times for assigned Home Care Packages, especially if you’ve been approved for a level 3 or 4 Package. Once assigned, you will receive a letter from My Aged Care advising you of this. Within this letter is your unique referral code, which your chosen provider will need to commence services.
Annual Subsidy
Basic care needs
Annual Subsidy
Low care needs
Annual Subsidy
Intermediate care needs
Annual Subsidy
High care needs
Please get in touch with us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Home Care Packages offer coordinated services such as cleaning, nursing services, home maintenance and social support. There are a range of services that can be funded, and your Care Manager will work with you to identify how best to utilise your funding. You can learn more about what your Home Care Package covers by visiting My Aged Care and reading our section on Home Care Package Inclusions and Exclusions.
Home Care Packages do cover a wide range of services, including products and equipment to keep you safe and independent at home. There are some services that are not able to be funded through a Home Care Package. These are called Excluded Items.
Some examples of excluded items are:
You can learn more about what your Home Care Package covers by visiting My Aged Care and reading our section on Home Care Package Inclusions and Exclusions.
For part-pensioners and self funded retirees, the Australian Government requests a contribution towards the cost of your care.
This fee is called income tested care fee (ITF) and how much is to be contributed is determined by Services Australia. You can contact Services Australia prior to entering a Home Care Agreement with your provider to determine the fee you may be required to pay.
My Aged Care have resources available and a Fee Estimator to assist.
It is important to note that if an Income Tested Care Fee is payable, this cannot be waived or negotiated and must be charged by the provider to ensure you receive your services to the required amount.
See our page to read about Home Care Package Fees.
The funding amounts shown above per Home Care Package are correct as at 1st July 2023. Crisden Care will complete a Home Care Budget with you to outline the income (funding) and expenditure (services, products and equipment).
When your needs change, your budget is reviewed and a copy provided to you. You also receive monthly Home Care Package statements which detail how funds received have been spent in any given month. Read more about Home Care Package Statements here.
You can receive a Home Care Package if you need occasional assistance with every day tasks, you're over the age of 65 (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) and have a medicare card. See our Guide to Home Care Packages to understand more.
Service Locations:
Queensland - SUNSHINE COAST; Brisbane North (including Caboolture); Brisbane South (including Redlands); Logan (including Scenic Rim); Ipswich / West Moreton; Darling Downs; Gold Coast
New South Wales - Northern New South Wales; Central Coast (Woy Woy; Gosford); Hunter; New England
Victoria - Eastern Metro; Southern Metro; Western Metro
South Australia - North West Metro; South East Metro
Tasmania - Burnie; Davenport; Latrobe; Kentish
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